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Apologetic books typically present arguments for Jesus, stripped from the context of Scripture. While arguing for Jesus, we never actually meet Jesus. Jesus Without Religion provides an overview of the Gospels, and through reading sections of Scripture with brief commentary, the reader gets to know Jesus - what he said and what he did. And, where possible, apologetic arguments (everything from “Lord, Liar, Lunatic” to “Evidence for the Resurrection”) are imported into the commentary to provide gentle persuasion and assurance.
Jesus Without Religion paints a compelling portrait of Jesus and after finishing the book, the reader will clearly understand the words, works and claims of Jesus. The book concludes with a clear presentation of the gospel. JWR is one of few apologetic resources written to this generation of students.
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Apologetic books typically present arguments for Jesus, stripped from the context of Scripture. While arguing for Jesus, we never actually meet Jesus. Jesus Without Religion provides an overview of the Gospels, and through reading sections of Scripture with brief commentary, the reader gets to know Jesus - what he said and what he did. And, where possible, apologetic arguments (everything from “Lord, Liar, Lunatic” to “Evidence for the Resurrection”) are imported into the commentary to provide gentle persuasion and assurance.
Jesus Without Religion paints a compelling portrait of Jesus and after finishing the book, the reader will clearly understand the words, works and claims of Jesus. The book concludes with a clear presentation of the gospel. JWR is one of few apologetic resources written to this generation of students.
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